The Inter Varsity Folk and Dance Festival takes place each year and is a opportunity for all the students of university folk societies (in their many forms) to meet up for a whole weekend of dance, music and damn good fun (oh and maybe a little drink or two). It's the longest running dance festival in the country. The festival open for anybody, not just students, to attend.
In essence IVFDF is a whole weekend of dance and music. The fun starts Friday evening and ends late Sunday afternoon. Squashed in between (sometimes literally) will be numerous foot-stomping ceilidhs, Scottish dancing, French dancing, a Dancers Dance, Morris tours, display dances and a few workshops to keep you amused.
The festival is to be held at the University of Exeter this year and is likely to be a humdinger to see the 20th century out. These web pages (hopefully) give you all the information you need to know before you get here.